19 Feb 2007

Back to work

Well I am back at work, in the office at the moment but will be back out in the desert on Thursday. have taken the drugs for a week now with little or no effects, a bit of the flu symptoms but I can deal with that.
Looking forward to getting back to doing what I like. But I will obviously keep an eye on how I feel and keep out of the UV rays as much as I can.
Just like to thank everyone for their support over the last few weeks and I will keep you all posted.

Don't forget to look in the missing links at the piccies.


gail said...

depends what noise you put on the cd. can´t remember you having much of a voice though :0)

gail said...

i've sold 15 cd's already, can't believe it. maybe you should read some stories onto a cd for jess to listen to. keep your pecker up
thinking of you